This body of work is a collection of remembered experiences. These memories are tied to specific places in the world, specific meanderings my feet have taken through these places, the patterns my eyeballs drew all over them while I was there. Like most important memories, however, they aren’t entirely visual. Sometimes when we have climbed up to a particularly ominous ledge, or the sky is closing the day with colors that don’t make sense, or the city lights emerge through the pink of dusk like tiny candles, the strange newness plants us so firmly in the present moment. We are left with our breathing, and our searching eyes. But even as we stand there with our feet and our lungs and our fingers that feel the air- we can close our eyes and the precise details of space become jumbled. It is a difficult task for the mind’s eye to recreate every small detail- instead we are left with the feeling the place gave to us, the blurred haze  of the colors we saw, the sounds, the smells. Perhaps those parts are more important than simple visual facts.

That is what is happening here, with these paintings. They are landscapes (real and imagined), tied to places that pulled every piece of my being into (that) moment, not just what it looked like, but how it felt.

For inquiries and commission requests, please reach out to me at

Continental Divide I-III

Estes I-II


Death Valley I


Grand Canyon I


Mogadore I



Snowmelt VIII

Snowmelt III


Snowmelt V

Snowmelt IV

Snowmelt VI



Snowmelt II



Organ I

L- Early spring 2018

L- Early spring 2018

C4 1/2

Monument Valley I-II


Monument Valley

Superstition I